911: Imagine No Religion

Eight years ago today, I watched 7 WTC (7 World Trade Center) collapse at 17:20 after its structural integrity had been compromised by fires and by the collapse of the nearby north tower due to a terrorist attack by a group of religious wingnuts. These attacks killed 2,603 people in New York City in the towers and on the ground.

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It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack of style. --Oscar Wilde It's hard to believe that it's been five years since the collapse of the…

I had friends who witnessed. My wife had friends and classmates who perished.

My department has a 9/11 conspiracy idiot. With tenure.


With, or without religion, people would still keep doing bloody mad things, although with less justification for their acts. Although without such extremist groups brainwashing others, yeah, I agree, I doubt such acts of horrors could have been as prevalent.

Come on now, there is proof that the government did this. Didn't you see the movie Loose Change? There were no terrorists on the airplanes either. This was planned so that we could go to war, care of the Bush regime.

Precisely, other Anon--that is exactly how the idiot in our department sounds!

For anyone who thinks there is the slightest chance that the other Anon is not just making a joke, I suggest taking a look at the 9/11 resources at the JREF forum. There are other places to look, of course, but they have taken the time to collect the most stuff in one place that I have ever seen.

the first, and true, Anon.


Trust me, these attacks had NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with religion. Only OIL and WAR. I knew someone who escaped the building, he did NOT see any commercial planes, only a smaller black one.

Watch Loose Change everyone, please please please.

By Take My Advice (not verified) on 12 Sep 2009 #permalink

The question I'm asking, is who makes this image and caption and then says to themselves, "yes, comic sans would be the PERFECT font for this!"?