Fork Lift Accident Brings Down The Warehouse

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This video is one of those where you find yourself laughing while you secretly hope that this will never be you. This fork lift operator backs up a little too fast and bumps into the edge of large pallet rack. He hits it just hard enough to start a domino effect bringing down all the shelving in the entire warehouse.

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The following video is NOT from a Home Depot. It is, however, from a Vodka warehouse. But this could happen anywhere with fork lifts. Well, OK, more likely when fork lifts and Vodka are mixed. Which just proves .... EMBED-Bringing Down The Warehouse - Watch more free videos You should always…

So why was the Achilles' tendon of the warehouse a single vertical support in a position easily hit by a forklift?

I do wonder if that was a setup, it looks neat and tidy enough for it to be one.
Colin - I've worked places where it was standard practise to build something and use and overload it until it fell over. My last workplace nearly killed people on at least 3 different occaisions because of stupidity of a similar kind to that which gets cheap shelving and overloads it.

So after they dug the forklift driver out, did they beat him up?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 03 Nov 2009 #permalink

I wonder if the local laws require someone to have a certificate before operating a forklift (ah, the good ol' days of just showing someone how to operate one are long gone). No certificate + not asked by someone in charge to get in the driver's seat = fired + possible lawsuit. No certificate + asked by someone in charge to operate the forklift = huge lawsuit against the warehouse operator, especially if there were any injuries.

I've seen warehouses that are set up very well and I've seen many which should be shut down before someone gets killed.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 03 Nov 2009 #permalink

Queazal, that was one funny video. Mein Gott, but I worked with Klaus!

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 05 Nov 2009 #permalink