Fencing Flamingos

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"Fencing Flamingos" follows the work of Marita Davison, a PhD student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University, and her collaborator Jennifer Moslemi as they study flamingos in the rugged high-Andes of Bolivia. The harsh conditions made it challenging to make the video, Davison says, but it's been worth it. "We've had more people see the video than I'll ever have reading a journal article that I write." The video was filmed with a handheld Sony camera by Jamie Herring, another PhD student at Cornell.

This well-done video reminds me of my own field work when I was a grad student, except the conditions I faced where mild when compared to this.

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It must be nice to have enough money to do things like that.

By oscar zoalaster (not verified) on 29 Dec 2009 #permalink