tags: How It's Made: French Fries, food science, engineering, technology, streaming video
Long, skinny French fries .. are NOT EXTRUDED! Toldyaso! Don't believe me? Watch this video! Yes, I win this argument! Muahahahaha!
Vinegar on fries? Ew! But that's how those wacky Brits eat "chips", I guess.
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Well, if would have used a little common sense,they would have realized that extruding potatoes would have created mashed potatoes. ^_^
salt and vinegar is a good way to eat them (yes, it's a brit thing), but i've also enjoyed them with tartar sauce and whipping cream (separately, of course)...
FYI -- some locations, like In 'n Out, run each and every potato through a sieve blade that slices them whole with skin on: place the potato on the blade, bring the weighted lever down which forces the potato through the sieve/blade, and voilà , "french" fries...
i prefer my french fries long and skinny, dipped in either curry mustard or salsa.
Don't forget the French-Canadian poutine. Cheese curds, gravy and fries. Only for the suicidal.
Here's a recipe: http://frenchfood.about.com/od/sidedishes/r/poutine.htm
However, if you are eating your fries in a fast food joint then what you're eating is extruded "mashed" potatoes. Cheaper and greater consistency.