Queasy Bake Oven

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The Easy-Bake Oven was the invention of Ronald Howes Sr, who died 20 February at age 83. I never got one, although I sure would have loved one to experiment with ... According to his obituary, Howes sounds like a very fun person to be around.

"He always had the coolest stuff on earth that I could mess around with," such as phosphorescent powder he was testing for various glow-in-the-dark applications, his son said.

But Mr. Howes always realized that the Easy-Bake Oven was, in his son's words, "the big one" in his career. About 20 million Easy-Bake Ovens have been sold since they went on the market in 1963.

Over the years, Mr. Howes' constant tinkering with possible new products was never confined to office hours. "We no longer have a garage in our house - it's a physics lab," his wife said. "You can hardly walk around in it."

Below the fold is a spoof for the Queasy Bake oven -- especially made for budding scientists (such as myself), and for boys.

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