Update: What I've Been Busy Doing

I apologize for not writing more for you recently, but after my wifi was restored (after 14 days of agony!), thanks to Ralph (my new boyfriend), I then became ill and was quite miserable for an additional three days. In fact, I didn't even crawl out of bed one of those days. After a slow recovery, I am feeling fine now, but I have been preoccupied with reading a book for review (Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals), for Nature. This will be the third book review that I've written for Nature.

The editors needed a quick turn-around on this particular book review, so I said I could do this for them. Sadly, this means I have some peer-reviewed papers I was working on "translating" for you that are languishing in my "unpublished" entries index. (Add these to the papers I was working on during those days when I actually left the country and was recovering from jet-lag after I'd arrived in the EU, and you've got .. erm, a few paper "translations" that I owe to all of you!)

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... I then became ill ...

Is this another data point in favor of the wifi-emanations-are-bad-for-you theory, or should we send the public health workers out after Ralph?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 07 Mar 2010 #permalink

Who the heck is Ralph?

Did you already break up with the dude you moved to Germany with?


Grrl has many boyfriends. I encourage her: it's the only way I can get any peace.

By Mr. GrrlScientist (not verified) on 08 Mar 2010 #permalink

As long as you're in Germany, you should change your name to Rolf.

It's way sexier.



mr grrlscientist's first name isn't ralph (nor rolf). but since my new boyfriend, ralph, is german, it would seem his name might really be rolf, but i never asked. maybe i should do so ... unfortunately, he's a one-router-stand, it seems (he's returned to his current home in scotland), so i am stuck with the spouse for now.

although .. my boyfriend number 1 is still here: he's the german chef at "my" wifi restaurant who taught me how to prepare karotten-ingwer suppe that is TO DIE FOR.

Now I'm really confused.

Too many boyfriends!