Light My Fire

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Here's a short video showing a fun trick you can play with fire -- in your own home. It also is a graphic illustration as to why fires are so difficult to extinguish.

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a fun trick you can play with fire -- in your own home

Although reasonable fire safety measures should be taken: if you are not sure you can safely pull off this trick, you should undertake your premier attempt in somebody else's home. Safety first, and all that.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 08 Apr 2010 #permalink

I thought this was common knowledge, but I guess it's been forgotten for a while. I first saw this around 1960, when everybody was showing it to everyone else. Our physics teacher demonstrated this in class in 1964, by which time it was old hat, something even little kids knew.

I suspect it had been shown on some science show on TV, because when I left home, everybody my age already knew the trick. (You know TV, right? The forerunner of YouTube?)

I remember doing this with matches, passing the flame back and forth, but not from quite so far away.