Mystery Bird: Pacific Golden-Plover, Pluvialis fulva

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[Mystery bird] Pacific Golden-Plover, also known as the Asian Golden-Plover or Eastern Golden-Plover, Pluvialis fulva, photographed on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Midway Island, Hawai'i. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours]

Image: Image: Joe Fuhrman, March 2010. I encourage you to purchase images from this professional photographer.

This migratory bird that visits North America as well as countries on the other side of the Pacific Ocean shares a species name with which other animals? Can you name them all?

NOTE: PLEASE name at least one field mark that supports your identification.

Review all mystery birds to date.


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Dark legs, dark beak, spotted nape,and location-all lead me to believe the species name is the same as a common animal that I associate with a 70's sit-com. Subspecies of the North American animal include the Tibetan, Kashmir, Desert, and Japanese.

By Ken Trease (not verified) on 08 Apr 2010 #permalink

Leopard (Panthera pardus). Spots.

I dropped by in between student meetings to see the bird of the day, and I have no idea. But I think blf may be onto something! It made me smile, anyway.

This one's tough, but with those short wings, I'd say there's also a swallow with the same species epithet.

By Pete Moulton (not verified) on 08 Apr 2010 #permalink

Long dark legs, fairly short beak for a shorebird, so I'd say a Pacific Golden Plover.

Let's see, two spiders (Megahexura and Steatoda), a dragonfly (Libellula), a caddisfly (Ceraclea), an ant (Paratrechina), a beetle (Brachypsectra) and a mouse (Vernaya)...

...a sponge (Aplysina), two sea snails (Cancellaria and Sydaphera), a wren (Cinnycerthia), a babbler (Turdoides)...

Grrl, I think we need longer than 48hrs to name them all! There are 700,000 refs on Google for the specific and 51,200 for "animal" specifics. Incidentally it means "reddish yellow", as the pic of the bird shows.