This is not directly climate related, but it does pertain to the media and its abject failure to take its responsibilities towards democracy more seriously.  Via The Huffington Post, I read these strong words from an angry press towards a secretive Whitehouse Administration: Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend. There is a very simple but important…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Climate Disruption News Information is not Knowledge...Knowledge is not Wisdom February 17, 2013 Chuckles, COP19+, Tesla, Maldives, Warnings, GreenPeace, Gleick Bottom Line, Subsidies, Thermodynamics, Cook Fukushima Note, Fukushima News Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Fisheries, Land Grabs, IP Issues, GMOs, Food…
So it is about one year ago that Peter Gleick exposed the too-ashamed-to-admit-it donors of the science denialist industry flack Heartland Organization.  Michael Tobis has a very comprehensive run-down and analysis of the event over on P3, I recommend it, especially if you need to get up to speed on what I am talking about. My only comment on the whole morality play aspect of it is that the question "do the ends justify the means" does not have a one size fits all answer.  I have always been a bit puzzled by the seemingly unquestioned moral hammer that question gets used as.  Clearly we all…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 26 Table of Contents Chapter 28 Chapter 27 Eco 550 -- Geoengineering, November 29, 2055 When I was a student, it was not unusual to hear that virtual glasses were going to revolutionize education. Veegees, as they came to be called, were internet connected computers that used the spectacle lens to project information directly into the user-wearer's eyes. The 'virtual' came from the fact the glasses allowed the wearer to manipulate objects only they could see. What do you tell someone who has the internet group mind mediated by supercomputer…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Climate Disruption News Information Overload is Pattern Recognition February 10, 2013 Chuckles, Survival, Lai Pei-yuan, Nickel, Transition, Uranium, Belief Bottom Line, Subsidies, GFIs, Thermodynamics, Cook Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Nuclear Policy Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Fisheries, Food Prices, Food vs.…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 25 Table of Contents Chapter 27 Chapter 26 A Quiet Sunday, November 28, 2055 Sunday is a day of rest --- theoretically. I had intended to have a quiet day, do some yard work and maybe touch up my Amazon report for Doc Y. I was awakened early by a crying baby. I didn't want to get up, but I was not going to fall asleep again, so I washed up and dragged ass upstairs to the kitchen. Edie was heating milk in a saucepan and Anna was crying her lungs out. Edie looked like she had not slept all night. She gave me a strained look as I entered the…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Climate Disruption News Sipping from the Internet Firehose... February 3, 2013 Chuckles, COP19+, Clean Air, Australian Floods, Tyee, Nigeria & Shell, Oh Oh Squad MDGs, GW & Rain, Bottom Line, IMF, Thermodynamics, Crap Detection, Cook Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Nuclear Policy Melting Arctic, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Fisheries,…
Seen on APOD, please enjoy this stunning act of simple observation. Full Moon Silhouettes Video Credit & Copyright: Mark Gee; Music: Tenderness (Dan Phillipson) From APOD's description: One impressive moonrise was imaged two nights ago over Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. With detailed planning, an industrious astrophotographer placed a camera about two kilometers away and pointed it across the lookout to where the Moon would surely soon be making its nightly debut. The above single shot sequence is unedited and shown in real time -- it is not a time lapse. People…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 24 Table of Contents Chapter 26 Chapter 25 Rhamaposa, November 21, 2055 Due to the tyranny of digital time, I know it was 3:17 in the morning when the house system woke me to answer an urgent call. Voice only. My first thought was, 'Oh lord, now who has died?' Then I saw it was an overseas number. I sat up on the side of the bed to talk without turning on the lights. "Yes?" "Hello Luc. Luc Fontaine?" "Yes." "This is Peter Ramaphosa." He spoke quickly with a strong British accent. "What can I do for you?" I was confused. Why was this UN…
NASA's JPL division has an interesting article on thawing dry ice (frozen CO2) near the polar regions of Mars. Aside from its being interesting, I only bring it up as it reminds me of the faux skeptic talking point about Mars warming, ergo the sun drives warming here on earth.  It is about as far from a truly skeptical argument one could imagine as it rests (or at least it did when it originated) on the flimsiest of evidence that there is climate change on Mars at all.  A truly skeptical approach would not make the leap from two photos of one spot to a global trend.  Even if you establish the…
(sorry to be so late this week, it was Australia Day weekend and I guess it threw off my rhythm!) Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Global Warming News Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years January 27, 2013 Minamata, NEEM, Australia, GreenPeace, Tyee, EEA, Oh Oh Squad Bottom Line, Subsidies, WB, Pricing Nature, Thermodynamics, Cook Fukushima Note, Fukushima News Melting Arctic, Methane,…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 23 Table of Contents Chapter 25 Chapter 24 The Anvil Breaks, November 20, 2055 As the train approached Centre City, I called Olivia on her personal number. A computerized voice told me the number was discontinued and dumped me into voicemail hell. I hung up and called the house. Edie answered. "Hi, Edie. Can I talk to Olivia?" "She's not here." "Where is she?" "I don't know." She paused. "She didn't tell me where she was going." A rising panic momentarily engulfed me. "Ww...What do you mean?" "I mean, she took all her stuff and left." "I'll…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Global Warming News Information is not Knowledge...Knowledge is not Wisdom January 20, 2013 Chuckles, COP19+, Mercury, Bond, Australian, The Holmes, Attributions Bottom Line, Thermodynamics, Cook, Fukushima Note, Fukushima News Melting Arctic, Megafauna, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Fisheries, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, Food Production Hurricanes, Monsoon…
Global warming stopped [insert random number of years] ago is probably the most common and mainstream of all the climate denier arguments out there.  It is shallow and wrong and there are many refutations of it out there.  I think this video from Skeptical Science is about as clear and straightforward as it gets. If someone watches that and still thinks the argument holds water, then they can not be reached with reason. If attribution arguments are too complicated, there is always this excellent graphic: (click to enlarge)
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 22 Table of Contents Chapter 24 Chapter 23 The Ax Falls, November 20, 2055 A friendly guy took charge of me in the trailer. I stumbled back through the rings of security in a daze and was deposited at the train station like a lost child. I had to wait a couple of hours to catch a train east. By this time it was mid-afternoon. I barely remember that time. My mind was in a whirl. I couldn't stop seeing that amorphous Henry-goo thing. I sat staring at nothing. When they announced the train, I got on board and it was only after staring out the…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Global Warming News Information Overload is Pattern Recognition January 13, 2013 Chuckles, Hottest Year, Australia Burning, Holmes Family, Retrospectives Bottom Line, Subsidies, Thermodynamics, Cook Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Nuclear Policy Melting Arctic, Orca, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Fisheries, Food Prices, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, Food…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 21 Table of Contents Chapter 23 Chapter 22 Vancouver, November 20, 2055 Apparently being in ConSec means never having to wait for a plane. Carman walked me through a gate and out onto the tarmac. No body scanners, no sniffer bots, no security check of any sort as far as I could see. There were all of five people on the plane. Nobody spoke until we were in the air and then sparingly. I really did not know what to expect. Why would Carman drag me all the way to Vancouver? What was going through his mind? What did he mean by "a body that shouldn…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another Week of Global Warming News Sipping from the Internet Firehose... January 6, 2013 Chuckles, COP19+, Object Lesson, Tasmania, Retrospectives Bottom Line, Pricing Nature, Thermodynamics, Cook Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Nuclear Policy Melting Arctic, Kulluk, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Fisheries, Food Prices, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, GMO Labelling, Food…
So Tasmania is in the news, which is where I am living (see here for links).  The stories are about heat and bush fires.  So far, nothing as dramatic as "Black Saturday" four years ago has happened, thank goodness, but conditions are very similar. The post's "featured image" above is of the electronic weather station monitor sitting in my kitchen, taken last Friday.  The official Hobart record was set at 41.8 oC, we had a reading of 43.3 oC (33.5 was the inside temperature).  I have no idea if this device is well calibrated or subject to some particular siting problem (I tried) or if it…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 20 Table of Contents Chapter 22 Chapter 21 At a sidewalk cafe, November 19, 2055 In North America, privacy is a thing of the past. How often we hear that! Wherever you go, newseyes operated by various government agencies or private corporations flit about recording every sight and sound to be analyzed by computer. Electronic communication is routinely monitored. Stationary cameras are everywhere. Microbugs make the detection of surveillance almost impossible. Newseyes put it in your face. When someone is watching over your shoulder, you feel…