Your morning dose of unintentional creationist humor

Oh, no. Not deterred by the utter slapdown he got from me and PZ last time, Radaractive has posted the second edition of the "Darwin Is Dead" Carnival. (Hat tip, as before, to the Pooflinger!)

I was feeling a little depressed at having to go back to work this morning, and seeing this carnival lightened my spirits considerably. It's truly hysterically funny stuff, chock full of the same creationist canards dished up in a completely credulous manner, the contributors apparently unaware that they've been conclusively debunked time and time again. I particularly liked this comment by the host:

I hope you all get a chance to read every entry. A great deal of research and thought went into the entries above and you will both stretch your mind and traverse the nyuk-nyuk zone during the course of your literary odyssey.

Just be careful. You can't be drinking anything when you read this stuff; accidents in the form of shooting your drink out of your mouth and nostrils might ensue.

You have been warned.

And don't forget to "vote" for your favorite entry. This one should be high on your list, because it actually looks as though it's making fun of "intelligent design," which makes me wonder what it's doing in this carnival.

ADDENDUM: Apparently I missed a second spoof in my haste to write a post quickly and get to work. Looks like the Darwin Is Dead Carnival is toast. Out of a paltry seven entries, two (28.6%--a rather high proportion) are blatant spoofs of ID, and apparently in the case of at least one of them the host didn't even realize it was a spoof of ID rather than "Darwinism" until later (look at the comments).

At this rate, by the time the third "Darwin Is Dead" Carnival rolls around, there'll be more spoofs of ID and creationism than attacks on Darwin and defenses of ID--and the hapless Radaractive will be declaring it a success!

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I read the one you think is making fun of ID. I am certain that is the case. I didn't read any of the rest of them, but at least one other (universe created by committee) makes me think that either the host of the carnival is spoofing ID or that he has been hoodwinked by other spoofers.

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 06 Apr 2006 #permalink

Yeah, I think "jon swift" just may have been writing ironically. His post on the recent protests about immigration policy is priceless:

As anyone who remembers the massive protests against the Iraq War knows, large demonstrations are usually staged by people with dangerous anti-American ideas. During the Vietnam War protests like these nearly destroyed our country and made it very difficult for us to start other wars until recently.

Hey, Carel Brest van Kempen is there, too, with his own spoof. And Jon Swift is definitely a satirist - just see his subtitle of the blog and check his blogroll.

The "Study Proves Universe Created By Committee" is a spoof too. Checkout his other spoof posts. My favorite is:

"Motorola Unveils Naomi Campbell Signature Line Assault Cell Phones".

"And Jon Swift is definitely a satirist - just see his subtitle of the blog and check his blogroll."

Ummm, a nom de blog of Jon Swift?

Surely three spoofs?

Intelligent Design
Study Proves Universe Created By Committee
The truth of Little Red Riding Hood

That's, erm...43%? Maybe IDists are right to paint themselves as an opressed and ridiculed minority. Here's to opressing them more.

If I remember correctly, alties also have a carnival, which I refuse to check out - it's for someone more thick-skinned, plike Orac... but this one is definitely a hoot.

They do. I seem to recall that it's called the Carnival of Healing. I've been meaning to do a bit of commentary on it for many months now. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) something always seems to push it off to a future date.

Jon Swift has an awesome blog and he's written some really great stuff. I loved his analysis of the "War on Christians" and the hoo-hah on conservative blogs about Jill Carroll.

Was just going to say what Joseph O'Donnell said. The man is wonderful (Swift, I mean, maybe O'Donnell is too, but I haven't checked his blog and it wouldn't be Skeptically Correct to make such a statement without evidence).

Actually, the most surprising discovery in reading the carnival is that a new, and hitherto believed impossible, sub-species has evolved, an IDer with a sense of humor. The guy knew they were spoofs, as he admits in the comments, he just liked them so much -- and probably needed submissions so badly -- that he ran them anyway.