Nighttime, March 15, 2007, Washington, DC

In case you wondered, yes, ScienceBlogs is just a big cabal, and, as evidence, I present the following photo from a week and a half ago, when I managed to meet, drink, and conspire to take over the science blogosphere at the Toledo Lounge in Washington, D.C. with Tara Smith of Aetiology, Evil Monkey of Neurotopia, and Chris Mooney of The Intersection. The locale was appropriate enough, given Tara's and my Toledo connection, and a good time was had by all.


Does Orac normally look like that? Well, remember, around this time, Dr. Egnor was at the height of his foray into making still more ignorant statements about evolution, driving me to hide my face in shame for my profession once again. Instead of a Doctor Doom mask, as I once suggested that I might have to get, I decided on a more appropriate method of hiding my shame.

It is rather difficult to drink beer this way, though.

By the way, my challenge to Dr. Egnor to tell us how the design inference of "intelligent design" has been "of great value" to medicine and has been a great boon to medical research is now in day 9, with no sign of him answering the question. Instead, he's just repeating yet again his usual parroting of the distortion and simplification of history in which he claims that Darwin was responsible for eugenics. It looks as though I'll need the Orac get-up a while longer.

And, yes, this is just another way of reminding everyone of Dr. Egnor's mendacity.

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I was going to try to be a good boy. Really, I was. I had been planning on answering a question about the early detection of tumors. It was an opportune time to do so, given the recent news of cancer recurrence in Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow, coupled with a couple of papers I saw just yesterday…
I need some β-blockers STAT. I say that not because I'm hypertensive or because I'm having heart palpitations--at least not at the moment. I'm saying it because, after reading the latest brave foray into antievolutionary ignorance by--as much as I hate to admit it--a fellow surgeon named Dr.…
I have to wonder if the most famous denizen of the Discovery Institute in medical circles, Dr. Michael Egnor, is on vacation or something. For some reason, he's been especially active over at the Discovery Institute's repository of pseudoscience, Evolution News & Views, over the last couple…
Well, well, well, well. I hadn't expected it. I really hadn't. After just shy of three weeks since I first made my challenge to Dr. Egnor to put up or shut up regarding certain claims of his that the "design inference" has been "of great value" in medicine and results in "the best medical research…

, Dr. Egnor was at the height of his foray into making still more ignorant statements about evolution

Economy of language demands that you shorten this to "Dr. Egnor was at the height of his egnorance."

Tara Smith's smile is lovely.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 25 Mar 2007 #permalink

Economy of language demands that you shorten this to "Dr. Egnor was at the height of his egnorance."

Since when has Orac ever been about "economy of language"?

Anyone else notice this at the bottom of the site?

"The misreporting of the evolution issue is one key reason for this site."

Seems they've got a stranglehold on misreporting of the evolution issue...

Orac, your subject line on this post sounds an awful lot like a dateline from a John Grisham/Dan Brown novel. Have you ever considered writing a novel about a heroic surgeon-scientist? Airport bookstores could use that sort of thing.


I am just jumping like a cat on a hot tin roof - you are so SEXY, Orac! Who would have thought square would be so attractive....

By Anonymous Groupie (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Hmmm, anonymous, wonder what his hands look like? [and why they are cropped out?]