LOL Doctor?

I must confess that I never really grokked the whole "LOL Cat" thing. I must admit to being a bit puzzled by the phenomenon when it metastasized to ScienceBlogs and some of my fellow SBers applied it to creationists, spurred on by Mark H at (althogh I must admit that I nonetheless found the first entry in this post to be particularly amusing).

I should have known that it wouldn't be long before the phenomenon attacked one of my favorite SF/fantasy shows of all time, Doctor Who. So, here they are, LOL Doctor Who Cat Macros. A few that I found amusing are below the fold:









My absolute favorite one, however, is, not surprisingly, not an LOL Doctor at all. Rather, it's a takeoff on those silly motivational posters that we all know and "love":


Too true.

OK, enough silliness for now. I still don't entirely get the whole "LOL" thing, and most of the LOL Doctors were decidedly unfunny, but there were a few gems to be found.

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Cool. I like the Black Guardian one.
I had such a crush on The Master as a teen. Everyone loves evil suaveness wrapped in black velvet....don't they?
I also though Jon Pertwee was pretty hot.

If you "love" those motivational posters be sure to check out Despair, Inc.

Oh, I totally loved the Master too. I grew up with Ainley, but once my local PBS station started running Pertwee episodes and I got to know Delgado, I loved his Master too. Awesome character! Total melodrama.

I would *love* to see him come back. Preferably played by Ainley (though he's getting on a bit in years, and doesn't perform much anymore; he's a bit of a recluse, I understand). On the other hand, Tom Baker had an interesting notion: he wants to play the Master. That would be cool! (Alas, the current producers apparently don't like the Master and have decided that he will not appear. Sigh. There's no accounting for taste, I suppose.)

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 18 Jun 2007 #permalink

I would *love* to see him come back. Preferably played by Ainley (though he's getting on a bit in years, and doesn't perform much anymore; he's a bit of a recluse, I understand). On the other hand, Tom Baker had an interesting notion: he wants to play the Master. That would be cool! (Alas, the current producers apparently don't like the Master and have decided that he will not appear. Sigh. There's no accounting for taste, I suppose.)

From recent developments, it's looking to me like they've changed their minds. You might want to try torrenting the most recent episodes to see what I mean.

It's all over the web, specifically about the episode Utopia; so it's not much of a spoiler to mention that the Master is back for what looks like a really promising three-part season finale. It helps that it also started out with a truly killer cliffhanger ending that can stand with just about any cliffhanger in the old classic series.

It's not Ainley playing him, however. It would appear that, like Doctor Who itself, the Master has been updated and reinvented for the 21st century. That's all I'm going to say. I may have already said too much.

Sad to say, Anthony Ainley died several years ago...

Anthony Ainley

As to the return in the new series... please, RTD, please... don't bollocks it up... (crosses fingers)

Vote Saxon!

Or not...

Vote Saxon

(Damn that was good on Saturday)

Utopia is very very good - having Derek Jacobi in it was special for a start. The Master is back - but like William, I'm hoping that they had better not bollack this one up! Personally, I think John Simm should smooth it out a little, the preview I saw saw him in made him a little less silky than Delgado (which was the Master of my youth) or Ainley - the Master is evil, but charming - not shouty and certainly not pantomime. Play it straight, like Pertwee.

khan: I love that the prop team remodeled the "real" sonic screwdriver after the toy version because the latter proved more durable. ;P

I don't quite get the cats a lot of the time, but I've really been enjoying these.

Looking at the first page of them to see if any would be of particular interest to you, and this might be more amusing than the cats for you.

Going back to earlier in the month, this one is a decent medical one.

If you go to the tags, you may be able to find what are, for you, the "good" ones fairly quickly. (I'm partly responsible for one of the ones with a "schroedinger" tag.)