How to cite a blog in an academic paper

Yes indeed, if you ever want to cite any of the pearls of brilliance laid down on a regular basis here, you can. Heck, you can even cite comments on blogs!

So now you know.

Here's a sample citation.

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Yeah, I was one of those commenters. I still just can't believe how bad they are. It's like they had Ted Stevens helping.

I actually came across an instance of this the other day. One of Michelle Dawson's papers quoted the MOM-NOS blog, as I recall.

The proposed citation style seems to be trying to fit blog posts into a dead tree media procustrean bed. What is the relevance or meaning of Place and Publisher?

By Acad Ronin (not verified) on 15 Oct 2007 #permalink

I've never understood why anyone still cites a place for books. That made sense 100 years ago when there was precisely one publishing house in precisely one big German city, but those times are over. Some publishers are at home in several cities on several continents at once. Citing a place adds zero information.

By David MarjanoviÄ (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink