When Denyse O'Leary writes the baby jesus cries

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Hi, Orac,

Thanks for the site plug! My humble little blog has only been around a couple of weeks, but I hope everyone takes the time to browse around a little.

I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know that your site has been a great help. My mom attends a Unitarian church group, and there was a young couple there filling her head with anti-vaccination woo. I sent my mom links to the autism category of your site, and she came well-armed to her next church group. She gave the couple a link to your site and even they realized the had been snookered by the woo-meisters. (I hope that doesn't sound like I'm sucking up).

Anyway, thanks again for acknowledging my lowly little blog.

Hey Orac, xkcd recently had a cartoon that seems to apply to the woo-meisters: http://xkcd.com/373/ Thought you'd enjoy. :)

By presquevu (not verified) on 27 Jan 2008 #permalink

Sometimes I get down on myself for my writing style. Compared to Orac et al, I write like a 15 year old gamer crossed with an lolcat. I know high school kids that are more articulate than me.

Then I read one of O'Learys posts...

ERV - Yeah, Orac does write real purty, but your T-Shirts look better! :)

(And really, Abbie, it's not your actual writing style, just the "random punctuation", that's at issue). Maybe you could re-name your writing style as Punctuated Punctuation?

And of course, you will Always BE BETTER THAN Denyse!

Abbie, I say this in all sincerity: your writing has character, which is more than Denyse O'Leary will ever be able to say. I tend to grate when people use "it's" to denote possession, but your war against the apostrophe is so consistent that it becomes style. I never noticed it until someone else brought it up.

I tend to have anxiety attacks when I'm writing, and no matter how many times I proofread, I always have to change at least one thing after it's been posted.

Remember AtBCers, there's always the edit button...