There, that's better

Sadly, unlike his namesake, Orac is not immune to human foibles and human vulnerabilities. In particular he's not immune whatever virus is going around at the moment. The damned thing felled my wife for over a week. I thought that I had avoided it, but apparently not. Now I'm starting to feel the unmistakable signs of its infestation of my body. Consequently, I don't feel up to any blogging today, and all I can hope for is that my version will not evolve into the debilitating death flu that I watched my poor wife suffer through. Fortunately, however, I've found a little something to make me feel better:

There, that's better.

(Hat tip to Reed Cartwright.)


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Sorry you're sick, Orac. Get well soon.

~David D.G.

By David D.G. (not verified) on 23 Mar 2008 #permalink

Feel better soon.

And that video is the greatest thing I have ever seen. I want one. I can imagine a LOLdog saying "I has a robot, let me show you it."

I want one (the dachshund and the robot). Thank you. I don't usually laugh out loud at YouTube videos, but that was wonderful.

Drink lots of fluids and get your chakras realigned. ;)

This robotic drummer is not only interesting, I hear watching it cleanses the body of toxins and dark energies too.

That's not the flu, that's autism setting in.

Wow Orac, if you become autistic you'll have super powers of perseveration. And your hearing will become more acute and everything. :-)

I have a bad cold. (Powers of smelling are definitely diminished) What I need is a robot to bring me hot tea and to do the laundry, dishes and vacuuming for me while I sleep. I hope you get better soon.

By Ms. Clark (not verified) on 23 Mar 2008 #permalink

Sorry to hear you're unwell Orac. Been through a dose of what you had about 3 weeks ago. And singularly unpleasant it was too. I could probably clear an after-dinner speaking event and make everyone evacuate the hall with an account of my flu episode, but I'll spare you that one. :)

Definitely saving that Dachshund video clip. And mailing it to friends around the world.

Someone told me that I should drink lots of cranberry juice while convalescing. Couldn't get hold of it to road test it to see if the notion bore any relation to medical fact, but drinking lots of lemonade seemed to help. But then I've been doing that anyway ever since my kidney stone (another one of my experiences that I can clear an after-dinner speaking venue with if I recount the gory details!).

Fingers crossed that you won't suffer anywhere near as much as I did (or your unfortunate wife) and that you'll be back to blogging again minus joint aches and other woes.

That dachshund rocks. :)

By David Edwards (not verified) on 23 Mar 2008 #permalink

I remember that video from AFV. Got a big reaction out of the studio audience too. That was one happy dog.

Hope you pass on your case to those who well deserve it.