A belated welcome to a new ScienceBlogger

I'm a day late on this, but welcome ERV (a.k.a. endogenous retrovirus) to the Collective. A graduate student studying the molecular biology and evolution of HIV, her joining the Collective was forced to be earlier than she had intended because of an unfortunate incident resulting in the temporary removal of her old blog by Google. However her entrance into the Seed mothership, we're glad she's here now...

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ScienceBlogs is proud to announce the newest member of our blogging community: ERV is the pseudonym of Abbie Smith, an Oklahoma-based graduate student who was bound for medical school until a summer internship turned her on to the research track. She now studies HIV and its evolution from a…
For some reason, pop news became enamored with this paper last month (unfortunately while I was away at a conference): HIV infection en route to endogenization: two cases Inexplicable media frenzy-- Scientists find mechanism for spontaneous HIV cure French scientists find genetic mechanism by which…
This is a repost from the old ERV. A retrotransposed ERV :P Its Halloween time, and we just got a BRAND NEW FRANKENSTEIN ERV! To prime you all for that post, heres a repost on an OLD FRANKENSTEIN ERV! Remember, ERVs are junk. These are not zombie viruses. Scientists are not taking totally…
Regular readers may recall me previously discussing Rebecca Culshaw (for reference, threads can be found here and here). She's a PhD mathematician who wrote two articles discussing her departure from her prior research, which focused on mathematical models of HIV infection. I pointed out in one…

Welcome, ERV !
Better late than never, oh wise and portentous box of glowing lights !

I kinda saw this coming when I heard ERV had been taken down.
Perhaps one day I too will write a blog, and it too will be of such quality that the scum will shout for it's removal from the internet. But, until then, I will be content with reading some of my favorites here.