The 87th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Dirty Limericks Edition

You know, after over three years of existence and nearly two years that I've been entrusted with the responsibility of organizing it, I thought I had seen pretty much every possible permutation of how the Skeptics' Circle could be hosted. We've had cartoons, soda machines, stories, raucous meetings in pubs, and a whole bunch of other cool ideas, mixed in with some "just the facts, m'am," straight ahead hosting. But there's one permutation we haven't had yet:

A Dirty Limericks edition. Now, thanks to Akusai at Action Skeptics, we do. Even better, it's the usual excellent crop of skeptical blogging showcased within the (sort of) dirty limericks.

Next up is G at Jyunri Kankei, where the 88th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is scheduled to land two weeks hence on June 5. And, believe me, after Jenny McCarthy's little march of the morons on Washington, D.C. on June 4, to bring antivaccinationism to our legislators with the brilliantly Orwellian "Green Our Vaccines" slogan, we'll definitely be in dire need of some skepticism. So, bloggers, start thinking of topics you'd like to cover and be sure to give G lots of ammunition for the next meeting.

Finally, as usual, if you want to host one of these puppies (and what skeptical blogger wouldn't), review the schedule and guidelines for submission, as well as the guidelines for hosts, and then drop me a line. I'll fire up the super-secret blog inspector (just to make sure you're not a closet creationist, HIV/AIDS denier, or homeopath, or something like that, trying to infiltrate the Circle), and if you pass you'll be placed on the schedule to host.

What could be fairer than that?

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