Further tweaking of the crank conspiracy theory that is the "birther" movement:
Obama Debunks Birther Conspiracy - watch more funny videos
If President Obama is a Cylon, maybe he was born in Kenya and Hawaii.
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If he's the DC Comics Cyclone (Maxine Hunkel), then he's a red-haired female who can manipulate wind. If he's the Marvel version, then he's a mute who died in a skiing accident. I'd go with the former, because it is well-known that Ms. Hunkel attended Harvard, just like Obama.
Oops, you said cylon, not cyclon. Which now leads to even more possibilities....
Um, adina, it is "Cylon", not Cyclone. This is from the recently concluded series of Battlestar Galactica, which included humanoid Cylons. These are androids that look and act like humans, and sometimes do not know they are androids. According to the last episode all humans are descended from a Cylon/human hybrid.
Further reading: http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Humanoid_Cylon
Sorry, adina... you posted while I was looking for a page on the Cylons!
And I did not come back after dealing with some other stuff. But the reference is there for others to see! (well, it was not on broadcast TV... so not everyone knows about the humanoid cylongs)
If only all conspiracies were this easy to debunk.
AARGH!!! Chris, i am watching the last BSG season via Netflix DVD and you just ruined the last episode for me!!!
i have watched the first three episodes, so i started to suspect what you revealed, so don't feel too bad. just don't post who the last cylon is! (i am pretty sure i know tho...)
"If President Obama is a Cylon, maybe he was born in Kenya and Hawaii."
-- and Nevada, too (as shown on the certificate of live birth you posted).
Heh, I really like that guy's Obama impression -- much better than whasisface who does it for SNL... he's really got the rhythms of his speech down.
I am so sorry, rob. Don't worry, you have much to learn on the last season. Perhaps with that one little spoiler you won't pull your hair out as much as I did.
Better spoken and more confident in his speech. Not as stiff as the real thing. He also needed bigger ears. :)
On BSG: The whole thing was really a LARP put on by the cylons a thousand years after the death of the last human, to commemorate the millennium anniversary. Unfortunately those parties behind taping events during the LARP and airing the resulting episodes wimped out and came up with this "humans live and we're all happy together crap" for the ending. It's the cylon version of creationism.
That's the most dead-on impression of Obama's speaking style I've seen yet.
That's Jordan Peele from the recently canceled Mad TV. I just wanted to give him credit because he's more awesome than his old show ever was.