The Wraps on San Francisco


Karl J. Mogel was there last night at Booksmith in Haight-Ashbury, and he's got a long rundown on the talk, plus lotsa pictures like the one above. Check it out.

Meanwhile, Brian from Backseat Driving was there the night before out in Mountain View, and also has some reactions. FYI Brian: I wasn't saying we shouldn't oppose Richard Pombo, just that he might not be the most vulnerable enemy of science to target in the upcoming elections--and that we ought to focus on races where a difference can really be made. Of course, if I'm wrong, and if Pombo really is vulnerable, then I take it back.

Anyway, now it's off to Portland. I have a flight in 20 minutes; I'm blogging from SFO. Here's the big event tonight:

7:00 pm


Talk/Signing at Technical Store

33 NW Park Avenue

Portland, OR 97209

More soon hopefully....


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Thanks Chris - I understand you're speaking from the national perspective of which candidates to target, and it's appropriate. From a local perspective, Pombo is by far the worst official in the area, and there's some value in trying to reign him in.

Good luck with the tour!

I downloaded and listened to your interview with Bernie Ward. You insist that it is a good idea to debate creationists like Wells and anti-scientists like Bethell. The late Stephen Jay Gould inveighed against that on the grounds that by appearing with them you not only give them a forum but inply that their ideas have sufficient scientific merit to justify rebuttal.