In Tempe, AZ

"...tiresome polemic masquerading as a defense of scientific purity...."

"The reader must therefore decide if the narrator is unreliable or just hopelessly naïve...."

"Mooney's polemical fervor blinds him to the political content inherent in all discourse that connects science to human affairs."

"....his one-dimensional view of the world can only reveal the obvious...."

"Were Karl Rove to read this book, I suspect he would be comforted."

Such praise for The Republican War on Science comes from Daniel Sarewitz, of Arizona State University, in whose backyard I'll be speaking this evening. Maybe he'll come.

Anyway, here are the details on the event tonight:

Wednesday, September 27

7:00 PM-8:30 PM

Changing Hands Bookstore

6428 S. McClintock Drive

Tempe, AZ 85283

I had a great event in Madison, WI, last night, by the way--among others, evolution historian Ronald Numbers was in the audience, as was Dietram Scheufele, a scholar who has great insight about communicating on scientific topics...


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I've noticed that these academic science policy types get very defensive about their turf. On the bright side, with comments like that you can construct a side-bar like John Quiggin's!

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 27 Sep 2006 #permalink

Looks like Sarewitz has been comparing notes with Roger Pielke, Jr.

They seem to have the same "Politicization of science is part of human nature so what's the big deal if Bush & Company do it?" philosophy.

Talk about tiresome.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 27 Sep 2006 #permalink