Going Under for a Bit...

...Between now and the bday party tomorrow, I am going to try to get some significant work done. It's an important snatch of time, especially as I have another talk on Saturday (in Ohio, info here) and then I'm back on the road Monday. I'll be talking at an event along with PZ up in NYC Tues the 26th; then I'll be in Madison, WI, that evening; in Tempe, Arizona, on the 27th; in Albuquerque, NM, on the 28th; and then in Santa Fe, NM, on the 29th. The details are all here.

All of which is a long way of saying, no more blogging for a day or two. In the meantime, I highly recommend that you play around with the hot new search engine, Searchles, which has just upgraded and which I'm hearing great things about. Let me know what you think....


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Tomorrow I head out for five talks in five days in the following locales....New York, NY; Madison, Wisconsin; Tempe, Arizona; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Santa Fe, New Mexico. This will be accompanied, as usual, by various radio interviews and such. I'll keep you posted on all of that. Meanwhile,…
"...tiresome polemic masquerading as a defense of scientific purity...." "The reader must therefore decide if the narrator is unreliable or just hopelessly naïve...." "Mooney's polemical fervor blinds him to the political content inherent in all discourse that connects science to human affairs…
Got some news, folks: I'm going to be on NPR's Science Friday with Ira Flatow, this Friday, from 3:15 to 4:00 ET, debating Tom Bethell about the politics of science. If you want to call in, the number is (800) 989-8255. It's not up on the website yet that this is happening but I can confirm it. The…
As usual, being on the road is starting to wear on me a little bit...but there's one more talk tonight, and then I hole myself up again to work on the hurricane book. This one is in Santa Fe: Friday, September 29 7:00 PM-8:30 PM College of Santa Fe The Forum Santa Fe, NM Meanwhile, Dietram…

I'll be talking with PZ up in NYC Tues the 26th, then in Madison, WI, that evening; in Tempe, Arizona, on the 27th; in Albuquerque, NM, on the 28th; and then in Santa Fe, NM, on the 29th

Can't you just talk with him in NYC and do something else in the other places?

Whew. I'm not that much of a groupie, so I'm glad you cleared that up.

I guess I'll be seeing you at a Seed party Monday night, too. So I must be a little bit of a groupie.

When are you going to come to the Columbus/central Ohio area? You always seem to be headed to the Cleveland end of the state. (Or did you hit this area when I tuned out for awhile?)

Happy belated birthday! I hope that the party tonight was fun and that you were worthy of many sponges. (I'm sure that Bill O'Reilly can take some off your hands if you have too many now.)

By John Gatiss (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink