Jerry Falwell: Back With Another Blooper

He says global warming is "Satan's attempt to redirect the church's primary focus" towards environmentalism. He also says the "jury is still out" on the subject.

Personally, I think Falwell should have stuck with bashing Teletubbies, blaming gays and feminists for 9/11, and saying that the Antichrist is Jewish and among us.

Those were really his strong areas.

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He also says the "jury is still out" on the subject.

Why should Jerry bother with the jury when he gets direct messages from the Supreme Judge?

I guess Satan is jamming Falwell's heavenly communications when they deal with global warming, which he (Satan) seems to be staking out as his department.

I admit, I'm stunned by that one. That's batsh*t crazy Message Board rant material. Actually I've seen a few things like that online.

So now the jury is out - but Satan is involved even if there is a problem? The hell?

See, as much as I try to be tolerant and understanding, it ends when someone wants to yank a religious explanation out of their backsides to explain why people shouldn't worry about the fate of the planet we live on.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink

This pronouncement by Falwell has everything to do with the present struggle in the evangelical community between those like Falwell, who years ago decided to take on the anti-environmental baggage of becoming a crucial piece of the Republican "base" in exchange for a promise of progress on core evangelical (social) issues, and those like Richard Cizik (of the National Association of Evangelicals) who have decided that the environment too should be a core evangelical issue. Long-term, maintaining the evangelical masses as part of the Republican base has always been a shaky proposition because of the inherent conflict between the economic interests of big business vs. the definitely non-upwardly mobile bulk of evangelicals, so Falwell properly fears that the addition of an environmental wedge between the two camps could be fatal to the alliance.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink

I have to wonder if Falwell has ever read the Bible. Does he actually believe what he says, or is he cynically abusing Christianity to protect his big-money donors?

I think the media by even reporting on Falwell's repeated nonsense give him more credit than he deserves. By even mentioning him, they imply that he has something worthwhile to say. He doesn't. At best, he should be on SNL as the program's buffoon.

I have to wonder if Falwell has ever read the Bible. Does he actually believe what he says, or is he cynically abusing Christianity to protect his big-money donors?

My take is simply this is about power - period. He's bought into the whole right-wing routine and has to keep it up - it lets him cuddle up with the politicians who support polluting companies, it lets him keep people focused on the "Jesus issues," and it lets him bash liberals.

Fallwell and company are just crude powermongerers. Their flocks are little more than slaves - who make their own chains.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink

I have noticed a curious lack of links to any kind of charitable activities on the website. Apparently lifting up his fellow man is also part of"Satan's attempt to redirect the church's primary focus."

God says Jerry Falwell is Satan's attempt to make Christians look like idiots.

By the looks of Falwell lately, I'd say "all you can eat buffets" is another one of his strong suits. My God, it looks like he hasn't had a salad or exercized since the Clinton administration.

The antichrist is Jewish?

That makes sense. Christ was Jewish.
What else would he have been?

But wait a minute. I thought Jerry
is supposed to be the antichrist.
He who smealt it dealt it.

Falwell's column on this in WackyNonsensicalDelusions (also known as WingNutsDaily) is quite a hoot. (Use Googleâ¢; I won't link to that tripe.) Broadly, "liberals" say global warming is a problem, so therefore it isn't; the recent ice storms in the States prove the world is actually getting colder; the Kyoto Treaty (which he seems to think isn't in effect) will ruin the US's economy; and on and on and on. And on...