Another Active Hurricane Season Forecast

My latest blog entry at the Huffington Post is up: It's a reflection on the latest forecasts suggesting that, indeed, we're going to have a rough Atlantic hurricane season this year.


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Hi Chris,

About Hurricanes... I've been pondering the recent mild winter in Europe (compared to the significant winter of 2005/06 - very cold an enough snow to crush roofs all over Europe - even in over-engineered Germany).

It seems to me that the sever hurricane season of 2005 would have removed significant quantities of energy from the Atlantic (and hence the severe winter because there's not that much heat left to warm Europe via the Gulf stream).

Contrast that with the milder hurricane season of 2006... leaving the energy in the Atlantic; only to be routed by the Gulf stream over to Europe and give them disappointing ski seasons, higher temperatures etc.

But this is pure armchair relationship building.

In your research, meetings, etc. have you come across any discussions on this relationship? Is there anything to it?

Grateful for any info.

These are all positive signs, but I can't help worrying as well.

Your worry needs one of these .