Green Speckled Frogs

In which we look at the very latest in amphibian science.


The embedded video shows one Prof. S. Kid describing her latest observations in detail. It's a very comprehensive study.

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Professor S. Kid knows her stuff! Hearing her sing brings back memories of myself. I've had the same voice since I was her age. I never had the little kid chipmunk voice that my sisters had. As a kid, people thought I was my mom when I answered the phone. If she goes along like I did, she'll have the lowest voice until high school, especially in music class. If people start making comments to her in school, tell her that all the best women are strong in voice and character from an early age. : )

Great stuff! Sure made my Monday morning! That girl sure is a special one and we love her lots!

By Grampy Nelson (not verified) on 11 Jun 2012 #permalink