Not that it hasn't been noticed already...but I was fortunate enough to contribute to the latest issue of Harper's magazine, for a feature section entitled "Undoing Bush."
In the piece, I lay out some suggestions for what the next president can do to restore scientific integrity to the apparatus of the U.S. government (assuming that is indeed a priority for the new administration). The piece isn't online unless you're a subscriber, but the Cliff Notes version is that the approach to reform on this issue must be guided from the top--and facilitated by a strong presidential science adviser--but implemented with cooperation from the relevant science-based agencies, with support from their cabinet-level leadership. For more detail, pick up the latest issue of Harper's from a newsstand.
[Note: Sheril, not me, is in charge of the blog now. But I'm still around this weekend, so I thought I'd drop this in before I go. I might also post on the next NOAA hurricane forecast which is supposed to come out early on Monday. But really, listen to Sheril now: She has much cooler stuff to say than this...complete with Vonnegut references. Tune me out.]
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'Cooler stuff' may be a bit misleading given your aptitude for shaking things up, but I'll definitely enjoy camping out at The Intersection and look forward to exchanging ideas with readers!