Sheril Kirshenbaum Joins "The Intersection"

Some of you may have expected or sensed that it was going to happen. But now, I can finally announce that it's official:

i-2ab5e5b842d4b8ea60e00292b28b2b9c-sherilk.jpg I have invited Sheril Kirshenbaum, who did such a spectacular job blogging here in my absence a few weeks back, to come on to blog here permanently. And she has accepted. "The Intersection" will thus become a two person blog....and all of you will be regaled regularly by Sheril's awesome and unique blend of science and pop culture commentary.

I'm not sure I really need to introduce Sheril much more fully at this point. But for those who may have been on, say, the Andaman Islands for the last few weeks, I'll do so again briefly. Sheril is an associate at Duke's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions who specializes in ocean and coastal policy, and who worked on Capitol Hill in the office of Florida Senator Bill Nelson. Not only is Sheril trained in marine biology; she also has experience in pop radio.

As for technical details: Sheril posts whenever she wants, and so do I. Not very tough, eh? Very soon she will be posting under her own name once we get various technical details sorted out. For the time being, you may see a few more posts of hers that are technically under my name.

And that's it for housekeeping...I hope you all will welcome Sheril to "The Intersection"...permanently this time!


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Welcome!!! (the special meaning of three exclamation points...)

Great to see Sheril on the Intersection, seems like a great addition to an already fabulous blog. I'm dying to know more about Sea Cucumbers.

By Megan Dawson (not verified) on 12 Jun 2007 #permalink

Kudos to your very fine selection of a running mate, Chris. Sheril, I look forward to reading more delightful commentary on our issues! How about some writing on HABS and Hypoxia or Working Waterfronts and Public Access issues? Or the balance of research dollars across base line research and mitigation/control of an issue on the community level...

Congrats on the writing gig, I'm sure it will be as delightful as the substitute week!

By Kassandra (not verified) on 12 Jun 2007 #permalink

BIG CONGRATULATIONS Chris and Sheril. It seems that you both compliment each other in an enjoyable and informative way. Looking forward to learning and reading on....

Sheril is an absolute one-of-a-kind, the type of person you only come across once in your lifetime - if you're exceptionally lucky. No one is more familiar with that than I am. I'm sure her book brilliance and tendency to being a pop culture trend setter will blend for a wonderful blogger. Congrats to you both, but especially Shez.

I'm glad to see that we will be getting more of Sheril's insightful journalism.

That having been said, I find myself with some idle curiosity about how this works with respect to ScienceBlogs's bureaucracy. If I recall aright, SB is a 'by invitation only' sort of thing; do they mind it when you extend the invitation? If they were in on it, why not give Sheril her own blog? I'd still read it.

Congrats Sheril! Looking forward to more posts on charismatic sea cucumbers - perhaps you can keep up informed of any sea cucumber comedians that may be on tour (a la Finding Nemo).

somehow I am not surprised. Congrats.

Thanks to you all for your compliments on my great, except, this is not about me, this is about Sheril.

No one is more glad to have her on board than I am, of that I can assure you!

I'm very excited that Sheril will be co-hosting this site. As a scientist with moderate-to-fair communication skills, it makes me really happy that people like Sheril exist, people who help people like me to communicate. I've met her in person a couple times, and I've been impressed by what I've seen. I am sure that the Intersection readers will continue to be impressed too.

congratulations sheril. i look forward to seeing where this blog goes and what directions you can steer our thoughts.

By martha bomar (not verified) on 15 Jun 2007 #permalink

Hey, whose picture is that off on the left sidebar? Might it be Sheril? And at this rate, how long can it be until she is actually blogging under her own name?