My First Cafe Scientifique; This Week in Science

Just a coupla updates: I'll be speaking about Storm World at a Cafe Scientifique in Arlington, Virginia, tonight. This Cafe is put on by the National Science Foundation, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, I'll also be appearing today on a great radio show--This Week in Science. I'll be on at around 12 ET. Check out the website for audio; there's also a podcast.

After this I'll be doing plenty more radio interviews, but I'll be giving the speaking a rest for about a month. The book tour was quite grueling, largely because the airlines have (in my view) grown so undependable that air travel--which I used to really enjoy--sometimes feels like more trouble, stress, and hassle than it's worth. So I'm going to settle in and watch the hurricane season from here in D.C. However, I will be speaking again next month--September 12 at the Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Science Writings, where I'll be kicking off a fall speaking series. Details here. Luckily, I can get to Hoboken by train.

And then on September 20 I turn 30, but we won't fret about that quite yet....(!)


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