[Matt Nisbet battles PZ Myers (artist's rendition).]
Uh oh. There is some heavy talk coming out of some folks about this Minnesota thing in September.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Scoundrels and Aristocrats ...
... In this corner, we have Author and Journalist Chris the Madman Mooney.
... In this corner, we have American University Professor Matthew The Knucklebreaker Nisbet
... and in this corner we have Anthropologist Greg Prettyboy Laden.
And it gets better: Now PZ might be coming:
There is going to be a melee in Minneapolis, a testicle-twister in the Twin Cities, a bloody battle at the Bell -- the framing debate is going LIVE, in an event sponsored by the Bell Museum in Minneapolis at the end of September. On one side, Mooney and Nisbet; on the other, Greg Laden and ... uh, me, I'm pretty sure. I'm still juggling some travel dates, but I think I should be able to make it.
My view is that it's about time for some of the folks who were principals in the great framing battle of April/May 2007 to meet in a public forum for debate. I think different sides' arguments were misunderstood, and that unfortunately it sometimes got a bit nasty (and in fact, it's still a bit nasty over in PZ's comments, at least towards Matt). In person, we will all conduct ourselves with proper intellectual deportment and may even achieve a semblance of common ground.
Um, right?
September 28. Be there. If you dare.
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You're going down, writer-boy... Type A's Rule!
DIE, yuppie dogmeat.