For Razib... When Posts Resonate With Sciblings

i-90bfcff53616cc55166583cfc53094d4-NewKidsOnTheBlock.jpgEvery now and then, something I write leads to stimulating discussion elsewhere. It seems Razib over at Gene Expression (who happens to be one of my very favorite Sciblings) really enjoyed my New Kids On The Block link on Tuesday to such an extent that he was inspired to remember his favorite boy band as well. But don't get your hopes up for enlightened dialogue because this is arguably not such an example.

And to Razib... Click on the photo to find a special medley just for you. Now watch the entire video and make sure to practice those dance moves for our next Scibling reunion!

As an aside, I'm fairly certain this footage is from my first live concert at age nine and perhaps the start of my ongoing affinity for pop music.


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Best album cover ever.

really enjoyed my New Kids On The Block link

yeah, i was repeating 'step by step' on youtube a lot. my gf was NOT pleased ;-) had to put on headphones.

as for the concert, let's just say my dance moves are bolder and more original. i know that usually most ladies can't handle that and would prefer something more vanilla like NKOTB, but hey, what can i say, I am who I am.

I remember as a kid either my brother or I had a parody T shirt that read "Nuked Kids on the Block." They all looked like Emperor Palpatine....

They all looked like Emperor Palpatine....

I love Episodes IV-VI too, but have to smile imagining young Chris as a little Star Wars-clad geek-in-training. We must dig up the pictures sometime.

i know that usually most ladies can't handle that and would prefer something more vanilla like NKOTB, but hey, what can i say, I am who I am.

Heh, they always pick the goofiest White guys to make up a boy band. You have to go farther into the right tail of the White distribution than the Brown one to find suitable people, but they're still there. Elvis, probably some of the disco stars, etc.

Somewhat on topic, Bollywood and Tamil movies always put out an infamous rip-off of American pop music -- Disco Dancer, Thriller, etc. -- I wonder if there was ever a Brown NKOTB group? The Latins had Menudo.

I wonder if there was ever a Brown NKOTB group

boy bands are superfluous. all you need is one brown man with flair. we can be the cute one, dangerous one, clean cut one and funny one all rolled into one.