A Girl To Watch

Emmy Rossum's first album Inside Out drops today. You may remember her from Phantom of the Opera. And what, you may be wondering, does this possibly have to do with The Intersection? We live in a world where girls are hugely influenced everyday by media images of who and what we are expected to be. We're bombarded so many poor examples of pop icons to emulate making front page news. Therefore, it's worth pointing out a role model of substance. As a young woman trying to keep up while the world seems to be spinning so quickly around me, I relate to this particular song and video more than perhaps any other at the moment. Listen to the lyrics...

Okay, I'm not falling apart, but according to Emmy, the song suggests that 'if you don't slow down you're going to miss all those little things in life.' And hey, even though Chris hasn't exactly gone Hollywood, he knew I'd keep an eye on music in pop culture when he brought on a former radio personality.


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Also an Emmy Rossum fan, was disappointed that this song sounds like she is trying too hard to sound like Imogen Heap...it is a nice message though.

By sunnygrrl (not verified) on 23 Oct 2007 #permalink

And who can deny the striking physical resemblance between Emmy and Sheril?

By Nebularry (not verified) on 23 Oct 2007 #permalink

It's a grab-you music sound with good message lyrics. I, too, enjoy Emmy Rossum since hearing her sing in Phantom.

The speaker on this library computer is broken, so don't know how it sounds, but she seems nice. I focus on pretty songbirds at my personal blog so much partly for that reason -- they're celebrities you can actually respect. MiaRose on YouTube is another good example.

Girls today put too much emphasis on looking hot -- a certain degree is good, of course, but since they're not going to marry until their late 20s at their earliest anyway, a fair amount of that time would be better spent cultivating an attractive talent like singing or dancing. The nerds here are going to add, "or taking the Laplace Transform of a function," but I think the jury's out on that one.

When you're 30, your looks have definitely passed their peak, but having a lovely song voice will keep much longer. Aging gracefully and with dignity is something we don't do well in the US, and that's a real killer when you plan to marry later rather than sooner. (True also for boys who refuse to grow up.)

And Sheril, you should start tutoring people in person -- it's a great way to have the positive impact on young people you're looking for. I did that for 2 1/2 years before going back to school. Just make sure to work with kids you can relate to, and who will easily "get" you -- not inner-city kids with behavior problems, in other words. Some teachers can handle those kids and command their respect, but it's tough to do that if you're not from their background.

Teenagers ignore anyone over 30 (except Johnny Depp or Shakira, I guess), including their parents. But if you tutor them, you can play the role of "my friend's cool older brother / sister" who they think is cool enough to emulate. That's the best way to be a good role model -- not lecturing to them, but leading by example -- and you in particular could totally get on their good side.

Not only would that work out well for the girls who need a female role model, but you'd civilize the boys a little bit too, since they can get out of control. Like it or not, teenage male nature is to pay more attention to what the teacher's saying if she's alluring. Having to impress a smart girl will also get them to take their studies & work ethic a little more seriously.

The other good thing about tutoring is that it's part-time, unlike teaching, so you can manage it and something else. All you need is a few hours of contact per week, and it'll last the rest of the week. "Oh my god, Sheril taught me the coolest thing! She's so cool, I can't wait till I see her again." Haha. You should definitely do it.

this song is stuck in my head... I blame you.