Photographs From Bangladesh

Cyclone Sidr has passed, but there is no calm after the storm. The death toll - now reported over 3,000 - continues to rise as we're hearing of devastation throughout the region. I've been touched by readers emails from Bangladesh and elsewhere, sharing experiences and firsthand accounts of what's happening. One individual in the area, Jonathan Munshi, has been following The Intersection and reporting his observations on the ground. Today Jon sent us these photographs taken at Baniashanta across from the port city, Mongla - one of the areas hit hard by Sidr.

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The village fared relatively well, but the effect of the storm can still be seen in the picture. We delivered some essential food items (rice, salt, sugar, flour, lentils, etc.) to the village.

Jon, we thank you for the updates and are glad you are alright. During a tragedy where loss of life seems too overwhelming to comprehend, this contribution provides a necessary personal perspective for those of us so far away. Let your voice be a reminder that we're here on this little green and blue planet as indeed, ONE WORLD. Now is the time to come together in support and aid.

Some links to offer donations:

Islamic relief

Bangladesh Red Crescent

The Hunger Project Bangladesh

A second photograph from Jon after the jump...

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So much sadness in the world, and now from Bangladesh, all this additional devastation. The most recent I heard was that 25 million dollars in aid was being sent from the U.S., as well as some battleships equipped with many helicopters in order to distribute the food and supplies across the country.

On Thursday, I'll be joining a small team of individuals heading towards the edge of the Ballashar River, where the damage is at its worst. We'll be carrying clothes, food, water purification tablets, and cash (to make purchases based on the needs of the people there). This represents collective contribution of individuals who just wanted to help...among them, a 7-year old girl who sold all of her trinkets and toys to her classmates to raise $10.

Stay tuned for more first-hand accounts.

For all you and Chris have done, thank you.