ScienceDebate2008: Big News, With Bigger Coming

The entirely volunteer ScienceDebate2008 effort--owned by no one, and by everyone--continues to defy expecations.

Consider the "Science 57," a list of organizations and institutions that now endorse the effort:

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

American Economics Group, Inc.

The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Annual Reviews

Arizona State University

The Aspen Institute

Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

Astrophysical Journal

The Biophysical Society

The Carnegie Institution of Washington

Center for Inquiry

Center for Science Writings, Stevens Institute of Technology

Columbia University

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

The Council on Competitiveness

Cosmos Studios

Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, & Cognitive Sciences

Foundation for the Advancement of Behavioral & Brain Sciences

Fox Chase Cancer Center

The Franklin Institute Science Museum

The Hastings Center

The Institute of Medicine

Issues in Science and Technology Magazine

Kavli Institute For Theoretical Physics

Lerner Research Institute, The Cleveland Clinic

Macalester College

Michigan Technological University

The National Academy of Engineering

The National Academy of Sciences

National Center for Science Education

Nature Immunology

New York University

Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University

North Carolina State University

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Planetary Science Institute

Pomona College

Popular Science Magazine

R&D Magazine

Science Friday, Inc

Science Magazine

Science Illustrated Magazine

The Scientist Magazine

Scientists and Engineers for America

Seed Media Group, Seed Magazine, and ScienceBlogs

Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)

SETI Institute

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

Skeptical Inquirer Magazine

Society for Science & the Public

State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA)

Student Society for Stem Cell Research (SSSCR)

Sweet Briar College

The Union of Concerned Scientists

The University of Minnesota

The University of Washington

The Will Steger Foundation

Or just consider some of our newest names:

Brian Baird, Congressman, D, 3rd District, Washington, Chairman, Research and Science Education Subcommittee, Science and Technology Committee

Lee Bollinger, President, Columbia University

Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University

Thomas Mason, Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

C.D. Mote, Jr., President, University Of Maryland

And the amazing thing is, we have got more news that we're sitting haven't heard the half of it yet.



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I'm sure that you noticed but you might want to direct readers to the editorial in the latest issue of Science by Editor-in-Chief Donald Kennedy. It talks specifically about the need for the debate and asks for help in putting together questions to ask the candidates.

Note: subscription required

If Dave Roberts is right at Gristmill, the need for this debate is becoming more obvious every day. The implication of Roberts's post is that the sponsor of a debate can influence the questions that get asked. That is scary. In this case, the "sponsor" was Americans for Balanced Energy Choices. When a lobby front organization can sponsor a debate we are all in trouble.