The Readiness is All

My latest Science Progress piece is up: It's about what we would actually have to do to prepare just one sector (transportation) and one region (the Gulf Coast) for climate change. If you then extrapolate that to all sectors and all regions, well....we are so unready it is ridiculous, and the Bush administration has done virtually nothing to change that.

Climate change adaptation, therefore, will be a massive project for the next administration.

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It's nice to see Mr. Mooney getting back to discussing issues of importance, rather then wasting his time nattering about framing and defending Prof. Nisbet. I suggest that if we never hear the name Nisbet again on this blog, it will be too soon.

As a former employee of the US DOT, I can testify that that organization will need a considerable kick in the pants from the next administration to address the issues raised by Mr. Mooney in his Science Progress article. This issue is not even on the radar screen over there.