Molly & Me

Following our hint last week of an announcement--which we have now officially made--there was some gossip about Sheril and myself. I know it's not meant that way, but it can be hurtful to people in our personal lives.

So although until now I have kept that part of my life pretty much off the blog, I thought it time to do a post about my beautiful fiance, Molly McGrath, who is both the sole and the best reason that I moved to Los Angeles. Over the past six months, Molly has been kicking butt out here working for the Writer's Guild of America--she moved for the job and immediately got to work on the strike. Meanwhile, we have been building a life together. The two of us love going out to nice dinners, watching TV series together (we're currently working our way through Lost), traveling (we have been having a lot of fun going down to San Diego and La Jolla lately), exercise (we're both runners), and just being.

During my twenties as a journalist in Washington, D.C., I like to think that I figured a lot out about my profession and how to succeed in it. But as I turned 30, Molly added a new and wonderful dimension to my life. It's kind of like squaring your happiness, if you know what I mean. At this point I simply couldn't get by without her.

So let me leave you with a picture of the two of us together at a wedding in Manzano, Italy:



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Chris and Molly, I am so very excited for you both and wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness! And may I be the first here in the blogosphere to say, Congratulations!

Lovely photo. I hope Molly stays Molly McGrath - it's a great name!


Does this mean Sheril is available? Not that I'm offering to stalk her; I'm much too old for that much activity. But my nephew is single and she seems like such a nice young woman...

Chis: Way to go, good for both of you!

By the way, I was totally unaware of you'all's (we need a plural for that in English ... meaning Chris and Sheril's) status as individuals, so sorry if anything I said caused any friction.

Congratulations you two. Best of wishes on your comingled future!

Molly, whut Greg said. apologies for any pain my uninformed speculation caused all y'alls.

By DrugMonkey (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink


By John Lynch (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

That's a good cautionary experience for blog writing, I suggest.

And it might have been less likely for people to misconstrue if this were text-only. Something about the accompanying picture .... anyhow, jut for the record, I had the same mistaken hunch I think you're talking about, figured saying nothing was the polite approach, but I would've bet wrong with considerable assurance if anyone had opened a book on what the secret was that was going to be announced the next day.

Short form: ask someone else if there is _any_possible_way_ to misconstrue what you're posting. We know what we mean, and we often don't imagine how others can read the same words and think something else, even innocently.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

Woo-hoo! Mazel tov! The first marriage is always the best! (er, JK, honey, i meant the, jk molly and chris, er, crap. Now I dug a hole with everyone!)

Anyway, enjoy your engagement!

The best to both of you...

I also had the same mistaken hunch from the original post. Perhaps when you wrote it the interpretive filter of your true intentions blinded you to other possible interpretations?

Anyway, congratulations to both of you!

" ...there was some gossip about Sheril and myself. I know it's not meant that way, but it can be hurtful to people in our personal lives."

Too funny.

I am sure all three of you, and others, will be able to see the humor there someday, if you have not already.

Congrats to all on all the new 'enterprises'.


By ...tom... (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

Us old married types (36 years in June) wish you as much happiness as we've had -- most of that time -- and the fortitude and foresight to hang on when things aren't so wonderful. Congratulations. And yes, Molly, hang on to that moniker!

Chris and Molly, (what a great name - McGrath)
I'll add my best wishes to all those that preceeded mine. You two look happy together. Please stay that way.

By Cal Harth (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

I didn't misinterpret the announcement teaser for a moment - Sheril's boyfriend went to my school, sorry to disappoint you, John!

Congrats Chris and Molly. I'm getting married this year, too, and planning a wedding isn't too bad, as long as you get one thing done per week. Oh dang, this week's almost over!

On behalf of Molly and myself, thanks everyone for the kind words.

And don't encourage her on the name thing ;>

Wow ! Beautiful couple !

That's a really nice picture. You should give it a nice fram...

Hey!!! What did I say ??? Stop hitting me!!!

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

Nice write up your a lucky guy!

By The Old Doc (not verified) on 18 Apr 2008 #permalink

Congrats to you Mosie and Chris. From your bro! (and future brother in law)

By Ted McGrath (not verified) on 18 Apr 2008 #permalink

Hi Mo and Chris,

Congratulations to you both! We couldn't be happier for you...our beautiful niece and future "nephew". Look forward to seeing you and meeting Chris.

Love you,

aSusie and uDave

By Dave and Sue S… (not verified) on 19 Apr 2008 #permalink

Congratulations! Love, UJ,Mary,Kristen and Adam

Welcome to the clan. Tell Molly they've found 'Irish Dancing Book 2 - what to do with your arms.' So none of that arms down by your side stuff is necessary any more.

I didnt get a chance to congratulate you on Saturday Chris...but Congratulations to you both!!!I know that you will take great care of her as you have thus far...Mo, this is exciting! I am glad that the move to LA has developed into all this amazing energy. XOXOXOX