The Future Looks Bright

Last week, I expressed concern over science illiteracy in the United States. While it's obvious we have a long way to go (evidenced by survey information provided by NSF), I have renewed optimism for tomorrow's leaders.

The reason over at Correlations...



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Thanks Sheril. The article is refreshing.

After all the drudgery from the atheist machine you have had to put up with here, it's nice to read your piece celebrating these talented young people.

You provide much needed optimism for the future.

Thanks Sheril. After all the drudgery from the atheist machine you have had to put up with here, it's nice to read your piece celebrating these talented young people.

You provide much needed distraction from the past.


"Atheist machine"? I don't think atheism has much to do with the criticism leveled at Chris and Sheril. It has much more to do with censorship and a blogland turf war over who is perceived as speaking for "science".

You seem to be grinding your own particular axe on this one.

I'm glad you are feeling better, whenever I come over to the Sci-blogs I become profoundly depressed at the low level of thinking among the sci-fans. But there seem to be a lot of wannabees around.

If it's any consolation, their grasp of the fact that history goes in a line from the past till now seems even more iffy.