Climate Change Is An All-Hands-On-Deck Affair

This week's question at NexGen asks us about what policies are necessary toward diversification of energy sources on a national and international level. Are we ready--economically, politically, and technologically--to accept and expand in so many directions?

Many have predictably taken issue with Gore's vision toward 2018, and I discussed the challenge with friend and colleague Eric Roston--author of this summer's must read, 'The Carbon Age'* and blogger at Carbon Nation. For our perspective, read my post at NexGen...


* If you haven't picked 'The Carbon Age' up yet, do! Roston's book is an excellent narrative and I'll have a review here tomorrow.


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Read your post at Next Generation. I absolutely agree with the part about, How do we prepare?
The cartoon is right on target too.

By Sciencefan (not verified) on 23 Jul 2008 #permalink