Chris Wins American Meteorological Society Book Award For Storm World

i-c267fa46becd6f6007dab83245519bb3-NewCoverSuperSmall.JPGBecause he's too humble to blog it, I hope readers will join me in congratulating Chris for being honored tonight by American Meteorological Society, the nation's leading professional society for those working in the atmospheric and related sciences. Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle Over Global Warming has won the 2009 Louis J. Battan Author's Award.

Mooney's book is being honored as "an accurate and comprehensive overview of the evolving debate on the impacts of global warming on hurricanes that illustrates the complexities of this significant scientific problem." The award, named for Louis J. Battan who contributed outstanding research efforts in radar meteorology and wrote several books aimed at nonscientists, was presented on January 14 at the 89th AMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix.

Read the full press release from Science Progress and if you haven't already, make sure you pick up a copy of Storm World.  Go Chris!  Here's hoping your next book is as well received...

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Congratulations on this important recognition.
I wish you and Sheril the same with your new book.

Go Chris Go!

Dear Chris Mooney and Jim Hansen,

Special good wishes and congratulations for the awards each of you has been presented by the Meteorological Society.

Thanks for all you are doing for many people by speaking out loudly, clearly and often for the sake of protecting biodiversity from extinction, the environment from degradation, the Earth from wanton dissipation and the children from reckless endangerment.

Please note that not only does humanity face a challenge from human-forced climate destabilization, good scientific evidence of human population dynamics is also being all but universally ignored.

It seems somehow not quite right for the human family not to be actively encouraged to consider â and not to deny â the potentially profound implications of extant scientific evidence regarding the population dynamics of absolute global human population numbers. The research appears to indicate with remarkable clarity and utter simplicity that human population dynamics is essentially similar to the population dynamics of other species; that increases and decreases in absolute global human population numbers can be better understood as a function of food supply; and that human carrying capacity is primarily determined by food availability. The failure of able people with widely accepted knowledge of biology, population dynamics and the biophysical world to communicate openly, in an intellectually honest and morally courageous way, regarding the predicament presented to humanity by distinctly human-induced and -driven threats to human wellbeing, life as we know it, environmental health and Earthâs body from the unbridled growth of the human species now overspreading the surface of Earth is as unacceptable as it is unforgivable. The elective mutism of leading experts inside and outside the scientific community has to be replaced, I suppose, with more adequate, more reasonable, more sensible and readily available evidence of what could be real about the way the world in which we live actually works as well as about the âplacementâ of human beings within the order of living things. By so doing, the family of humanity can get about the necessary work of responding ably to the recognizably daunting global challenges which are looming ominously before us on the horizon.

Somehow, the human family will most assuredly find its way forward from âhere and nowâ to a good enough and sustainable future for the children, coming generations and life as we know it in this wondrous planetary home we inhabit and call Earth.


Steve Salmony

Steven Earl Salmony, Ph.D., M.P.A.
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population,
established 2001