The Republican War on Science Blowout Sale

I know, the Bush administration is history. So, I've argued, is the "Republican war on science."

But if you never yet got a copy of the book of the same name, now's the time--Amazon is selling the paperback, new, for $ 4.99.

I don't usually hawk my wares like this, but that's damn cheap.

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I don't usually announce things like this. But I just noticed that has started selling my first book in hardback for $ 6.99. It was originally $ 24.95. So if you ever wanted a copy but didn't get one, now is probably the time. To be sure, the paperback version of the book contains…
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Fellow science blogger John Fleck has a piece this week in the Albuquerque Journal about yrs truly blowing through New Mexico. An excerpt: They say it's better to be lucky than good, though it helps to be both. That might describe the arc of journalist Chris Mooney's young career. Science policy…

LOL ok time for a sequel. Global warming would be a good topic.


Thank you for the bargain announcement.

While I wait for my copy of the book
to arrive, does it include ideas on how
"science" can have better press?

Additionally, the anti-intellectualism
you mention in the book seems just as
much on the rise.

Even in the highly panned movie "American
Carol", the suggestion that professors
are nothing more than drugged out hippies
trying to bring back the 60s or that being
educated means "hating" America.

What do you think it will take for there
to be a new Renaissance?


Paulie Sabol