At times like this I wish I had TV

Many of the details of the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District case are common knowledge among science bloggers and online communities concerned with evolution, but I have to wonder how many people really know about the background of the case? Fortunately, PBS will be airing a new documentary about the important case called "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" on November 13 (next Tuesday).

PBS has issued a press release about the upcoming show and has a whole website full of resources related to the show, but I think PZ has some even more interesting news. In a review in Nature, it's revealed that ID's "hometown hero" in the case, Michael Behe, "didn't want to play" when it came to the making of this documentary, although this might be expected given that his testimony included some of the most embarrassing statements ever made about intelligent design. Those who will miss the program when it airs need not fret, though; it will be streamed online starting November 16th! If you really can't wait, though, you can at least appease yourself with a BBC program ("A War on Science") on the same topic that came out not long ago (here's part 1);

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That is the trouble, Paul. For every show like this there's a ton of B.S. like "The Real Housewives of Orange County," so overall I think I'm better off. Technologies like Joost might change things a bit, though, and I'm glad to see that PBS is going to stream the program online.