Help put Laelaps on display

It's that time of year again*; the final deadline for the 2nd edition of The Open Laboratory (featuring the best of science writing from around the blogosphere) is fast approaching. Coturnix (of A Blog Around the Clock fame), inexhaustible as ever, has compiled a list of all the submitted posts thus far, but the anthology still needs more submissions. Only 50 (plus one cartoon and one poem) will make the cut in the end, but given the huge response that this project has received this year the selected entries will truly be the best of the best.

*No, not the call to battle in the "War on Christmas."

I must admit that I do need a little help, however. Several posts from Laelaps v.1 are already listed, but I would like to go back through all my work over the past year and pick out the best of what I have to offer. If there's a particular post that you enjoyed or think is especially worthy of going into print, please submit them for consideration no later than December 20th. This appeal for more submissions does not only apply to me, however; if there are any notable posts from the last year that you've seen anywhere (especially if they deal with some of the sciences underrepresented on the list like physics), please send them in.

Also, don't forget that last year's anthology is still available and chock-full of great science posts (you can pick up your own copy here).

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I suggest you re-post (and then re-submit) those four already nominated here so they get new URLs. The list will be seen by a large number of people and you want the traffic to come here, not the old blog. You may want to do that over the next four days, one post at a time so people have time to see them and read them if they have not before.

Bummer. Looks like none of mine made it into the list.

Then again they're nothing as long, detailed or as well written as what you put out, Brian.