It wasn't much of a wait, see?

I am extremely pleased to announce that one of my posts has been selected for the 2nd edition of The Open Laboratory! When I heard that the winners had been picked I started pacing the house, nervous that I wouldn't make it in, but one of the posts that helped give me the boost onto ScienceBlogs was selected for inclusion; Homo sapiens: What We Think About Who We Are (Redux). I've got some edits to make and some fat to trim, but I am extremely pleased to be included. Go and have a look at the list to see what else you can look forward to reading in this year's volume (and congratulations to all my fellow bloggers who made it in!).

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Make sure that the depth and quality of the competitive field for the Open Lab inclusion honor are clearly stated in your CV.

Congrats!!! A lot of work went into researching and pulling together all that supporting data. Good work.