Weird weather, again

A few days ago I wrote about my experience with an ice storm that hit the city I live in and my experience walking home in it. Things warmed up a little after that, but I was not expecting to wake up and find out that the temperature was 60 degrees Fahrenheit at 6:00 this morning! I wish I had to day off to make the most of the unusually warm weather, but contra to what Phil said a few weeks ago there may yet be an early spring.


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Yeah. It's 63 here already. And I do have the day off. Of course, it might rain, but still... Make the most of it; it's back to the forties here tomorrow.

Weather weirdness.

Hey. I really hate to point this out, but Minnesota has been having a winter to warm the cockles of the Global Warming deniers.

Yesterday we were excited by temperatures that poked above freezing, and today we are right back in the shit. We are getting below zero windchills, and look forward to a forecast this week for below zero temperatures.

I am ready for spring. (I csn't complain too much, because I moved here from Texas knowing full well what winters can be like.)

Don't tell that to my trees. Please. They ALWAYS wake up a week earlier than they should and get nailed by a late frost snap that plunges the temperature from 60 to 20 for days at a time. It's happened the last 4 out of 6 years since we planted our forest.
My "snow" crocus are already up and they are at least 3 or 4 weeks early.
Do Not Want Early Spring! Want more snow and cold to kill nasty bugs that eat trees and bite people. Of course I should just get used to en extended tick season. It used to be from April to August but now starts in March.

By G in SE IN (not verified) on 18 Feb 2008 #permalink

Same thing here in Pittsburgh.

It's back to the thirties today though.