My WTF?! moment of the day: Bill O'Reilly on dinosaurs

I hope someone records this and puts it up on YouTube; tonight Bill O'Reilly is going to have a special "Factor Investigation" report asking "Did global warming kill the dinosaurs?" Who they hell did they get to do this "investigation"? I know I shouldn't watch (I don't have the brain cells to spare), but I just won't be able to look away...

Terry "Bucky" Gates, lead author on last year's paper describing Gryposaurus monumentensis, is the paleontologist that is going to be interview on O'Reilly's show. That doesn't clear things up very much, although I have to say I'm enjoying the speculation in the comments!


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I wonder if he'll even bother to mention which dinosaurs. (And when...)

This should be the perfect follow-up to his Peabody Award winning "Did Feminism Kill the Mammoths?" Who can forget the thrilling moment when Mr. Peabody himself stepped out of the Wayback machine and said "Of course not, you stupid git"? Now that was must-see teevee.

I picture the "investigative reporter" doing the stand-up in front of Ham's Flinstone Museum in KY, complete with saddles on the dinos.

A "True Investigative Reporter" however, would tackle the real story - whether or not Adam & Eve used effeminate English Saddles, or real Western saddles... and I think we ALL know how this is going to turn out. USA! USA!

Isn't O'Reilly a creationist and should thus believe that God killed the dinosaurs by drowning them in the flood?

@Ericb: From the dubious pleasure I've had of watching Bill O' on YouTube, he doesn't appear to be a creationist as much as a 'social conservative', who believes that religion is important for the functioning of society. He doesn't give a damn if religion is true or not, as long as people, other than him, believe it.

I wonder what Bill O' is getting at by this report though? Is he going to argue that dinosaurs were indeed killed by a global warming, thus the looming global warming ahead is nothing to worry about, since such things have happened in the past? A bit of extinction every now and then does good for the globe? If a few people have to die, though. That's the nature of life.

Didn't the Earth have a greenhouse climate from the Triassic through the Eocene? If anything greenhouse conditions helped the dinosaurs. Is he going to argue that?

Get with the times, Bill! Everyone knows gay marriage killed the dinosaurs.

Evidence is clear. Dinosaurs wouldn't let their government take away their civil rights and terrorist killed 'em all in their beds!

It was none of that. It was THE FLOOD that killed the poor dinos. (Haven't you guys learned ANYTHING from all those Scibling-ers going to the "woo"nderful "woo"rld of the Creation Museum?)

Didn't you see that movie where they brought dinosaurs back? Didn't you learn? Dinosaurs are a bad thing. Ergo, global warming is a good thing. Keep up the good work, America!

This should be the perfect follow-up to his Peabody Award winning "Did Feminism Kill the Mammoths?" Who can forget the thrilling moment when Mr. Peabody himself stepped out of the Wayback machine and said "Of course not, you stupid git"? Now that was must-see teevee.

Posted by: John McKay | February 26, 2008 1:37 PM

LOL! I was going to say that no matter what conclusion they come to, Global warming did kill them! That hundreds of miles per hour wind at hundreds of degrees was warm and it was all over the globe!
If they don't believe it then take them to the crater off the Yucatan peninsula. The ejecta from the crater would have produced some pretty warm rain too! LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)

Boy you people don't know nothing. Global warming can't have killed the dinosaurs, because it is imaginary. Global warming is just a liberal plot to get manly men to wear short-shorts and thus increase gay marriages. Everyone knows that it was a horde dirty illegal alien lesbians that took away the dinosaurs guns, crosses and jobs thus allowing freedom-hating ACLU-card-carrying Islamofacists to steal their babies and selling them to the communist in China as aphrodisiacs. And the Clinton-loving French let it happen.

By Thoracantha (not verified) on 26 Feb 2008 #permalink