Do you want to be a Sb Super Reader?

We're starting a new program here at Sb where specially-selected readers have the ability to pick out the best of what's appearing in the whole of the community. It works like this; I get to pick two readers who then get the ability to tag three posts per week that will go into an RSS feed that will appear on the Sb frontpage (According to the information I was sent, "All of this will be run using a shared account, where you install bookmarking buttons in your browser that make tagging posts quite simple. Should you accept, we'll send you detailed instructions later on how to set that up.").

The new program is essentially a way for regular readers to pick out the best of what's going on and bring attention to great posts that might otherwise be overlooked, and other Sb Super Reader abilities may be opened up as the project moves along. I have a few people in mind, but I don't want to pick anyone who isn't interested. If you'd like to be a Super Reader, send me an e-mail or let me know in the comments.

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