Expelled Exposed goes live

The NCSE website Expelled Exposed has now gone live, and it's full of great information debunking the conspiracy theories in the film. There will also be an anti-Expelled blogswarm and a "To Hell With Expelled" blog carnival this Friday for those who have posts critiquing the film.

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I plan to have a post in the swarm and the carnival, but in case I don't find the time this week to work on it — all too likely, unfortunately — here's my idea, for anybody who wants to try:

In this post, I listed nine people who have been threatened, harassed and even physically assaulted for the heinous crime of doing their jobs and supporting good science. I hyperlinked to the most useful background information I could find (news stories and the like); this information is all public, but it hasn't been gathered together in one place and conveniently summarized, which I hope to do this week.