A sign from the god of evolution

According to the highly reputable and fact-oriented periodical The Onion, a stain resembling Charles Darwin has appeared on the Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee. You may recall that Dayton was the site of the famous 1925 "Scopes Monkey Trial" (no, it did not involve the evolution of mint-flavored primates), although I would say that St. Darwin has appeared to us over 75 years too late. Nevertheless, even the prophet Tim White has apparently visited the site;

Thousands of pilgrims from as far away as Berkeley's paleoanthropology department have flocked to the site to lay wreaths of flowers, light devotional candles, read aloud from Darwin's works, and otherwise pay homage to the mysterious blue-green stain.

You can read about the blessed event here.

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Loved it!

All hail The Onion!

By Lemon Curry (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink