Robert Sapolsky on religion

Studying for finals has kept me pretty busy lately, but during a break from stressing myself out over trig I stumbled across something interesting. Presented below is a short interview in which Robert Sapolsky discusses religion, particularly why people might believe the things they do. You'll have to turn your speakers up because he is very soft-spoken, but it is certainly worth a look;

If you haven't heard of Sapolsky before, I can't recommend his writings enough. A Primate's Memoir, in particular, is one of the best books I have ever read (as well as making me more fond of baboons and primates in general).


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Interesting interview. He certainly reminds me of one of the Three Wise Men though. That, or Zeus. Ironic. Worth watching.

By joltvolta (not verified) on 14 Dec 2008 #permalink

Very interesting interview. I've read all of his books, but haven't seen him much in a speaking role. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.