On The Trail of Physiology across America: Visiting the Gulf Coast

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Next stop: The Gulf Coast Physiological Society, founded in 1999 and comprised of physiologists in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. This local chapter of The American Physiological Society met in 2009 to discuss physiology research in their region.

The Keynote Address was provided by Dr. Mark Gladwin at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, who presented his research on how nitrate is involved in cardiovascular physiology.

There were so many excellent talks at this meeting that I will just highlight a few that I found particularly interesting:

Fridrik Karlsson, a graduate student in the laboratory of Dr. Matthew Grisham at LSUHSC-Shreveport, spoke about his research on how certain T-cells may be used to reverse colitis, or inflammation of the colon.

Dr. Michael J. Ryan from the University of Mississippi Medical Center spoke about potential therapeutic targets common to the treatment of hypertension and kidney disease resulting from lupus.

Caroline Raasch, a student in the laboratory of Dr. Gregory Bagby at LSUHSC-New Orleans spoke about how alcohol impairs immune responses in the body.

Stay tuned for more research updates from their upcoming meeting this May!!

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