Blog Revived

After a couple months of merciless story deadlines, hard disk crashes, and strange viruses that you only find out about once you have kids, the Loom is creaking back to life. Expect several postings this week. For now, let me direct you to a review I wrote a couple weeks ago for The New York Times Book Review about Devil in the Mountain, a book about the Andes. The author, an Oxford geologist, dissects these mountains like a surgeon cutting open a living person. It reminded me of the times I've driven around with geologists; all of the landscape that blurs past most of us is a vast palimpsest to them, and waving their hand out the window, they tell you about hundreds of millions of years of mountain building and destruction. Short of grabbing a geologist for a ride, I'd suggest getting the book.


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I'm glad your blog is back up and active. In fact, Just yesterday I removed "The Loom" from the links list on my blog, because I thought it was maybe down for the count. But I have added it back again now.

I missed the review of Devil in the Mountain, but I will give it a look.

Another good gelogist book, though a couple of years old is Trilobite: Eyewitness to Evolution
by Richard Fortey.

Take care.

I too most glad am.
Also you need to close an italics tag in your most recent post.

By vernaculo (not verified) on 22 Aug 2004 #permalink

I was clearing out my old links and checked back, here you are! How lucky.