Those interested in my upcoming talks may want to visit my main web site. I've started to post information about the talks, as well as bringing the archive of my articles up to date. Nothing more depressing than a stale web site.
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I've been nosing around Facebook and Myspace for a few months now, trying to understand how these kinds of sites will influence the work of writers like myself. No terribly clear answers yet, but some interesting experiments underway. Facebook, for example, used to only have "profiles," where…
Meh; not to spoil the tension but it is, as you've already guessed, just another dull clone of wiki a-la Conservapedia. I found it via Wired via fb; you certainly won't find it via people referring to it2. Other than me; sorry about that. This one is called "Infogalactic" which seems to hint that…
Greetings. As I bring in my html luggage and unpack, let me stop for a moment to introduce myself and this blog.
I'm a science writer. I started out at Discover, where I ended up as a senior editor before heading out into the freelance world in 1999. Since then I've written for a number of…
This post has been resurrected from my old blog's location. I've copied the 2006-03-19 post as-is, and I've added a few addenda at the bottom.
I overstimulate fairly easily. This is a serious social disadvantage.
I don’t know how much there is really to this, but I’m attracted to the notion of…
Carl, there is this place, far, far, away... called the WEST COAST. Consider it. We would love to see you out here. UCLA, USC, STANFORD, CAL BERKELEY... Hollywood. "Soul Made Flesh", starring Sandra Bullock. Dream the impossible dream Carl!
I have been to that distant land, and the people there are very nice. If I get invited to any of their sunny venues to talk, I will hop on a plane.
As for Sandra Bullock, would she play Rene Descartes or Christopher Wren? I need to work on the pitch...
What ever happened to all those comments I wonder? Is this just another blog where the manager does as he pleases? Please advise either openly or via email. I have better things to do than waste my time with those that are not interested in alternative views concerning a phenomenon that isn't even going on any more.
You're on the wrong blog topic.
You've been blogging on Ghosts in the E. coli machine